Just caught wind of this interview from PLAYMagazine with two of the top guys at ARC Toshimichi Mori (BlazBlue producer) and Daisuke Ishiwatari (Guilty Gear director). I must say that...I have NO IDEA what to think about Daisuke's comments on Guilty Gear being such a huge fan. Not to long ago in another interview with EuroGamer he mentions this statement that shocked the crap out of me.
"Guilty Gear got too hardcore for some people, so we wanted to reset the level of entrance. BlazBlue was the answer to it. Also, the generation of Guilty Gear players has become a certain age – maybe a little bit too old for playing games. So making that reset brings in a new generation of fighting game players. Then they will be with us for the next few years."
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And now in this latest interview with PLAYMagazine he mentions:
PLAY: Are there any plans for Guilty Gear at the moment?
DI: [laughs] Do you want to play a new Guilty Gear? If you say so I will make one.
PLAY: Do you think with games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and more making a big impact the time is right for a new Guilty Gear?
DI: I can’t tell you when it’s going to be, not because it’s a secret, but because we just don’t know. I’m worried that we’ll catch this wave of the fighting game rise too late. It’s a difficult thing to see the timing and make a good game. It will be within this century [laughs].
None the less, I still hope and pray they release a new Guilty Gear in the future. I could care less if I'm in my 30's trying to relive my glory days of my youth playing this game in my early 20's. No matter what I'll always enjoy Guilty Gear. Oh well...a man can dream can't he?
Let me dream~