So after watching a good chunk of Xrd. My early impressions are:
-Faust and Venom are looking like REALLY STRONG top contenders in this one thus far. I'm sure another part of the roster will be added and this can change but from watching options and knowing how both these characters operate I can say this very safely even without playing. It's early so my predictions can be off. Take it with a grain of salt.
-Ky looks like he can take on just about anything.
-Sol well, its Sol lol. He makes it hurt if you play dumb but requires good fundamentals as always. Hella solid.
-Axl holy shit they improved this guy on all fronts! Not like he sucked before but he's looking like he'll develop very very well.
-Millia looking like a good blend of AC and Reload! Still have yet to see more from her but looking at how the toolset can be applied she's going to develop back where she was. Mixup Queen.
-I-No is drastically improved as well. Her dash doesn't look like it gets her in as much trouble any more and she can get knockdowns better with the new follow up to Chemical Love. I think she can definitely be a problem if players like Koichi put in that work.
-Zato/Eddie looks like he'll be scary in time. Still a lot to figure out with him but so far I've only seen someone use him in training mode. His combos look the same and the new wall splat dust combos will be nuts when they get the unblocks afterwards.
-May, Slayer & Potemkin no data really, especially May.
CHIPP!!! He's looking to be on par with AC Chipp with some new additions that make him pretty damn strong in the right hands.
-Wall Cling > Mixup potential is looking higher from this option.
-2D looks to have more knockdown time, meaning the FDC mixups will be better.
As a whole this guy is looking to be pretty dangerous and its still early yet I can see Chipp going really far. But that's still a ways from now and this is just my impressions from watching.