Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Street Fighter 4 AE 2o12 is HERE!!

So the DLC update to Arcade Edition came out and after messing with my characters, Ibuki in particular, figured I give a small rundown on what I discovered.

The new fwd+HK on counter hit leads to more combo opportunities:

-fwd+HK, st.Lp, st.MP, st.HP, into any ender of choice be it SJC U2(super jump cancel), Spin Kicks, or Neckbreaker (difficult)

-fwd+HK, cr.LPx3, st.MK, Spin Kicks, Neckbreaker, or either U1 or U2 (too easy)

-fwd+HK, cr.LPx3, cr.HK, st.HK, SJC Command Dash for mixup (semi difficult due to the SJC)

-fwd+HK, st.MK, Spin Kicks, Neckbreaker, or either U1 or U2 (semi difficult)

New U1 blast stays out longer making for some new interesting combos:

-cl.HK, U1 possible for 306dmg. Very much so welcomed to increase usage of this Ultra:

-Anti-Air b+MP, Command Dash, cl.HK, U1 (anywhere on screen) 261dmg

-Anti-Air cl.HK, U1 (anywhere on screen) 256dmg

New Juggle Properties on U2 lead to some kill combo situations:

-Anti-Air b+MP, HK Command Dash, U2 (anywhere on screen) 150dmg

-cl.HK, U2 (anywhere on screen) 230dmg

I was unaware they sped up her b+MK and man is that thing fast haha! It can be used to snuff things from afar better now with the speed increase so its going to be an even bigger part of her game. Along side f+HK for frame traps and crushing lows to get that counter hit will be really good, however f+HK is -3 on block meaning it can be 3f punished with things like Shoryu's and the like so has to be used sparingly or from roughly mid to max distance.

All in all her strategy is about the same of course, it's mainly having her Ultra's as an extra utility outside of netting a clear punish or a SJC combo. I think she was already a threat to begin with since her introduction into the SF4 realm, now they just fortified her even further with better options to seal the deal. I think she has the ability to be roughly an A rank character at best while sticking at around B+ rank in the meantime.


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