Saturday, March 17, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken and My Thoughts~

So the game I've waited for finally hit and like everyone else I've dropped a good chunk of time into the game (even before writing this). My impressions are still the same as from when I played it at Evolution, the game has a great deal of creativity within it. I feel that the game is only limited to the player's imagination. So many different combinations lead to so many unique situations is pretty nuts. Playing the early build at Evo, again at SoCal Regionals to this final build just has me in complete amazement because of the creativity one can come up with.

Currently I'm trying out Xiaoyu and Hwoarang for now. At Evo I had to scrub it up and play Ken to help suffice for my lack of knowledge with the game and Hwoarang. Xiaoyu was a character I had a feeling if I went into the lab (training room) with her, I'd feel right at home and I sure do feel at home. Her mobility is just what I was looking for in a character for this game. She has a multitude of trickery that I think has a great deal of potential. Her damage output is really solid for someone her size too! *YES~* The synergy between her and Hwoarang is more than I expected and I'm still finding things out as I go.

Generally I'm enjoying the game however I think the online experience could be a bit better for sure. It's not unplayable ENTIRELY but it has its faults. For example sometimes opponents teleport across the screen for one. Second the rollback feature hurts the sound of the game by cutting sound clips out during the match which can be quite painful if a player relies on sound cues to react to things. Other than that there are input problems apparently with the game in regards to diagonals in inputs. I hardly feel this happen but when it does its no good lol. Not to mention there are infinite combos being discovered even as I type this lol. I don't mind them because you can always limit them to 3 reps in a tournament and call that a day. Luckily Capcom is releasing a patch to remedy these issues so the overall experience with the game will be even better than it is now.

All in all this game is extremely fun and has the things that I like in a game. So I'm all in on this one~!


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